Thursday, September 16, 2010


I dropped and cracked my blackberry screen :( BOOOO!! I am very disappointed and annoyed with myself...its just a small crack, in the corner, but its distracting and annoying...thankfully my phone still works properly though....but really, these things should be more durable!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just Rambling :)

I wish I would have the gumption to write more on my blog...truth is I just don't have anything interesting to say most of the time...Im back in school, college, Bus. Admin. majoring in accounting...I love it, I love school, everything about it and Im sad that Im done this year, I could go onto university but I suppose at some point Im going to have to get a job and start making my own money..April will be here before I know it and I'll be done, I'll be forced to start living like a grown up..gah...actually when I think about some of my friends, married and working and some having babies I feel like Im already really behind, but at the same time I KNOW that Im not ready for a baby, or marriage, heck I cant even manage to wash laundry half the time, a baby wouldn't fair well in my hands right now, or maybe it would help me grow up? Im not sure, it just feels like my life is going nowhere sometimes, and its extremely frustrating and makes me worry...and when I think I've finally got a start on where I want to be it never works out.

But then I do love my life, even if its severely lacking compared to some, I love school, I love my knitting and sewing, I love the people in my life...maybe thats what its all about, maybe I need to stop comparing my life, and where I think I should be, maybe I just need to live it, and trust that eventually I will get what I want, that everything will work out.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


My summer is officially over today....I can't believe it, it went by SO incredibly fast. Buuuuut, that means fall soon, actually with the temperatures it already feels like fall, I love fall :).....back to school tomorrow, last year at college, YAY! Then I suppose I need to start making some concrete life plans...obviously work, but you never know what could happen...its completely terrifying really, a little exciting but mostly is easy, straightforward, I *know* school....but oh well, things change, and I know this year, well really 8 months, is going to breeze by and come April I'll be writing a post about how fast school went by...