Friday, October 5, 2012

Probably time for a post!?

It has been ages, its not that I have nothing to say, its just that once I got a little behind it seemed completely overwhelming to back track and fill in the gaps, so if things are jumpy and confusing thats just the way it is!

In just 126 DAYS!! I get to marry my best friend in the temple, and I am so excited! Its been a long and frustrating road to planning a date and truthfully, a lot of feelings have been hurt in the process. But now that its mostly dealt with we are getting very excited!

AND we are house searching! (so any tips you have send them our way;) We are looking to buy, we just arent sure where or what, but we have faith that it will work out.

I feel so blessed to have Kevin in my life, and knowing that in a little while we will be sealed together for all eternity is mroe than I ever thought it could be. He is amazing.

Anywho, thats all for now!

126 ;)