Saturday, August 20, 2011

An Update?...and a ramble,,,

So, I failed. I didn't keep up with my blog as promised. I will get better though!

So whats new in my life? Not a lot, working, and I love my job! I love my co-works and my boss and the environment...I lucked out big time.

On another note, I CANNOT believe summer is almost over! I don't know where the time has gone. And while this summer didn't go exactly how I wanted its much better. Im a firm believer that things happen for a reason, people come into your lives as you need them, and some don't stay forever. And honestly? Thats ok. Because with each person there is something to learn, and one day there will be a person who IS going to stick around forever, and I know that.

So while this summer's events didnt go exactly as planned, I am ok, actually I am better than ok. I love my life, I love every aspect of it and couldn't ask for more at this point. I am eagerly awaiting fall, its my favorite season, and for the challenges and experiences it will bring with.

Since we all know there isnt much of a hope for me updating my blog again before September; GOODBYE SUMMER, and HELLO FALL!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Time for an update?

Yeah. I think so.

So whats new with me? Well, let me tell you, TONS.
1. I have a fantastic job, that I absolutely love (most days).
2. I start working with my very own clients at said job.
3. I bought a really awesome car.
4. Thanks to previously mentioned fantastic job the car is all MINE.

Over the past couple of months I have really learned that patience is a vitrue. I have learned that no matter how badly you think you want/need something the Lord truly knows what you need and what is right for you, and if you trust you will get it.

I truly love where I am at in life, there is nothing I would change, things are falling into place and I am incredibly lucky.

I have about a million more ideas for updates so be prepared for a few blog entries from me in the next little while ;)