Monday, August 1, 2011

Time for an update?

Yeah. I think so.

So whats new with me? Well, let me tell you, TONS.
1. I have a fantastic job, that I absolutely love (most days).
2. I start working with my very own clients at said job.
3. I bought a really awesome car.
4. Thanks to previously mentioned fantastic job the car is all MINE.

Over the past couple of months I have really learned that patience is a vitrue. I have learned that no matter how badly you think you want/need something the Lord truly knows what you need and what is right for you, and if you trust you will get it.

I truly love where I am at in life, there is nothing I would change, things are falling into place and I am incredibly lucky.

I have about a million more ideas for updates so be prepared for a few blog entries from me in the next little while ;)

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