Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter to my lovely readers :)

I cannot believe how quickly this weekend went by, it was full of candy, lovely weather, fantastic people and just all around goodness, apart from my sunburn (trust me to get a sunburn the first truly nice weekend of the year).

This post is probably going to be all over the place and completely full of things nobody really cares about so dont worry, you wont hurt my feelings if you stop reading ;).

Its hard to believe that Im finished school, perhaps this is because I am yet to get a job! Actually Im not too worried about the job front yet, I know that the perfect (and by perfect I mean perfect for now, not forever) job will eventually turn up.....Maybe if it were nicer out it would be easier to believe, I know this weekends weather was fantastic, but Im not expecting it to last, Im totally expecting snow still.....BUT speaking of weather, I've noticed that stores have started to set up their greenery areas!! YAY, so EXCITED! I LOVE flowers, I love to garden :)

Anywho, Im out of things to ramble about :)
Hope everybody had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed the weather :).

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