Sunday, April 17, 2011

In the spirit of PROCRASTINATION

Its only been what, 5/6 months since my last blog post? ok, maybe not THAT long, actually I have no idea, all I know is I keep promising people I will update and I never do...but I will tonight :) Mainly because I have two finals that I should be studying for, one tomorrow morning at 7:45, and the other Tuesday...yeah, I TOTALLY have time for a blog post, I also had time to iron two huge baskets of laundry, watch a movie and spend the last 45 minutes reading other peoples blogs and wishing I were as cool as them....

I am just out of steam, I have ZERO motivation to study, its so bad Ive even resorted to ironing the last two weeks worth of laundry....I cannot wait for the semester to be over, then I'll be a college graduate, which is slightly terrifying...ok, its a lot terrifying. I have no idea what to do with my life, obvoiusly I need a job, and I know what I want and where I want to be in a few years and all that jazz but I have NO idea what to do to get there....however I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and when its meant to happen so Im not too stressed about that...I don't expect things to fall into my lap but if I put forth the effort things will work out, they always do.....

Oh, and I vow that ones Im done school (TWO DAYS!) I will be much better with my blog, even if its only posting a picture or something, I will be a better blogger :)

I suppose I should study though, its already 7pm and I basically have an entire semester of managerial accounting to learn...or maybe I'll have a shower first :) haha, wish my luck on my test tomorrow, I quite desperately need it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! I know exactly how you feel in the procrastination area! I have two exams and a paper due on thursday. Have I started anything? Duh, no of course not! And then the day comes and I'm cramming and I I could have learned this so well if I had studied! But anyways, congrats on finishing! :D
