Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Betcha ya'll thought Id forgotten about my blog....well I didnt! Ive just been too busy for a proper update...

Not that I really have anything to update on now, well no, thats not true, a lot has happened in my life but nothing I want to comment on at the moment :) So I thought Id bore you guys a bit with some rambles....

Life is funny. Its just plain funny sometimes, and even when its not sometiems you just have to laugh because the other options really suck. I am laughing right now, I'll let you guess if Im truly amused or avoiding other emotions.

Honestly, for the most part I am happy. I am a firm beliver that things happen for a reason, the people come into your life with a purpose, whether its for a lifetime or a short while. Nothing happens by chance and in the end everything works out. I have witnessed too many miracles not to beileve that.

I dont even remember what the last thing I talked about in my blog was, did I mention I got baptised? Yup, I did! And it was the best decision I could have ever made. Although slightlly ironic, life since I got baptised has gotten much more complicated/difficult. Its like Heavenly Father was making everything else in my life smooth so I could conquor the challenges I faced in my getting baptised and now its all right back to how it was...not that Im complaining, without challenges people dont grow....anyways, I talked last Sunday in church, not a full blown talk, but I was asked to bear my testimony/share some  of my story, and I was terrified. But I am so glad I did it, all week I tried to think of something to say and nothing came to me and it wasnt until I was standing up there that I knew exactly what I wanted to say, and I know it didnt fit in well with the missionary theme Scott was aiming for but I had to share my appreciation and my love for my friends in my ward.....

And on a much lighter, more enjoyable note; I BOUGHT AN E-READER! And I LOVE it. I am soooo in love with my Kobo.

This is probably pleanty long for tonight, and as usual, I promise to try to blog more!

Happy Halloween!!

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