Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Its about time for a blog update!

I am a horrid blogger...I admit it...there have been times I've thought about updating my blog, but for varies reasons I just haven't...Mostly because my life is rather boring and I don't have much to say....Im resorting to blogging about the is WINTER. I hate it, its not that I hate winter, its really pretty, and I love Christmas, but its cold, wet, and sucky to drive in. It feels like its been snowing for AGES, rather than the one or two days its actually been and I am more than ready for spring, actually it would be nice if it were Christmas tomorrow and then spring directly after :).

On a more positive note, its Wednesday! Which means Institute, I love institute, thank you Nicole! :)....

Since its Wednesday, cold, snowing, and I had a test this morning, which sucks, Im going to try to throw some more positive thinking into this blog post....I only wish this were my idea, its not, its from another blog....but Im going to post some things I am thank ful for...
1. Winter coats, shoes, gloves, toques, etc.
2. Four wheel drive on ice
3. My new rubbermaid water bottle, it has the cutest blue/green lid!
4. My wonderful family who came to my aid yesterday, no questions asked
5. Institute! (already mentioned, but still, it makes my Wednesdays)
6. The person that I ramble to all day long....this one should actually be a bit higher on the list, if I were doing it in order of thankfulness, which Im not ;)
7. Blogs...I absolutely love reading other people's blogs...
8. Homemade soup! :) mmmm as well as homemade buns to go with the soup
9. Shortbread cookies, possibly my favorite

Thats it, not only am I out of ideas but Im running out of time, unfortunately I have macroeconomics today...which really means online shopping :)

10. Im thankful for ETSY! :)


  1. you could always bring some shortbread cookies to institute. for me. just a thought. hahah ;)

  2. haha, if I had time to make them I definitely would
