Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Best....The Worst....Maybe Neither?

You have no idea how much I hope this is true. Not that there is anything COMPLETELY wrong with my life right now, it just doesnt seem like anything is going the way that I had planned/thought/wanted.

It seems like as we grow up there are periods in our lives that are classed as "the best years". High school generally is the first "best year" period, and in high school I was fairly devestated because they were not the best years, not even all that great. BUT know that I have left the narrow minded, hormone filled halls I have realized that the people who claim high school to be "the best" years of their lives typically peaked in high school, and its true, their lives will never be better that "the good old days". I truly hope theyre happy with that, but I want more.

College/University is next...I know for certain that my college experience was HUGELY better than my high school experience I dearly hope it wasn't "the best" years of my life, because it wasn't all that grand. And maybe for me it wasn't all that grand because it was two years speant learning. And not just learning the curiculum, learning about life and myself.

And now? Well I dont think where Im at now fits into "the best" years category. As a friend of mine said, Im in transition. And as I told him, Im not overly fond of it.

Im still waiting for "the best" years. Maybe they will come when Im married, maybe when I have children, maybe when I have a career? Or maybe they simply don't exist. Maybe life is just a handfull or two of experiences throughout all your years, some fantastic, others not so fantastic, each of them teaching you something (hopefully) but none of them individually "the best" years, but collectively, if you add all the years and experiences you are blessed to have, the good and the bad, maybe they equal THE BEST years?


  1. oh my goodness please read kristen gibb's blog:
    it was a refreshing reminder for me and maybe you'll get something out of it haha ;)
