Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Happiness Project (#2)

Month one of the happiness project is coming to a close, which doesn't mean that I stop with goal number one, rather that I add goal number two...Number one was to "Be Gretchen", basically to be yourself, which is a huge accomplishment for me! And I love it!

February's goal is, "Let It Go"

I resolve to keep things in perspective. 

One of my resolutions is “Remember how little most things matter in the long run.” Also, I’m trying to be less defensive when I make mistakes.
I hate to be wrong, I hate to screw up, I hate to forget to do something – and it really bothers me when I do. I want to bore everyone with my endless explanations, justifications, and excuses.

That comes directly from the author, but it fits me to a T, so in the spirit of saving ya'll from my boring explanation I'll just leave you with that!
Bring it on February and goal number TWO. 

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