Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years

Wow, its been over a month since my last only excuse is I've been really busy. Another semester of school and their accompanying finals are over, thank heavens, and Ive got about a week plus a couple days left of my winter vacation, then one more semester of college and Im done. How insane is that? Two years goes by FAST.

Although I guess this whole year on its own has gone by fast, I turned 20, went to Vegas, suffered through Macroeconomics.....I just can't believe 2010 is over already.

Although, new year, new start and all that is kind of exciting, not that there is anything in particular I want to start over.....

Anyways, I hope you all had a great holiday and a happy new year! :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Goodbye Week!

This week is finally, almost, over!! Three tests later and I am still alive! (shocking I know), but not only did I manage to survive I actually did quite well! :)...I think this week was a good prep for finals week.....And not only is this demanding week almost over, the weather is warming up! YAY! That ALONE is reason to be happy.

I am beyond thrilled that tomorrow is Friday, also that this weekends homework/studying isnt as crazy last weekends!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I love the weekend. Especially Friday night...and as pathetic as it is, my favorite way to spend a Friday night is reading a good book, preferably in a hot bath, or covered up in bed with my electric blanket...Then, when possible, Saturday's are best spent shopping, I love grocery shopping actually, and then the rest of the time should idealy be devoted to homework, but is often spent reading another book or watching a movie....

I want to share last night's book with you guys...Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols...last night was probably my 20th time reading it, but I absolutely ADORE it. Its cute and charming and a fantastic read. I highly recommend it....Tonights book is 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, another re-read, but its a great book too ;)


Friday, November 19, 2010

Early Mornings...

I love mornings, I am definitely a morning person....HOWEVER, they're starting to get old. Firstly, its freezing, getting out of my nice warm bed SUCKS, I swear the bathroom floor is made of ice at 5 in the morning. And I really dislike the snow, already.

I miss morning running and just general warmth.

Early morning is my favorite time of day, but when its cold and yucky out its hard to find the motivation to get out of bed and shower, let alone go out in the cold so I can be on time to class...

I am eagerly awaiting spring.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just Random

Im attempting to blog more often, in hopes that one day I will actually find creative and entertaining things to blog about, but until then Im afraid ya'll will have to put up with my ramblings...or not you know, I suppose you don't have to read.....

Anyways, I could probably write an entire blog complaining about the weather, but I'm sure the majority of you agree with me so I wont bore you with SUCKS.

Tomorrow is Friday, normally a good thing, but this weekend is not looking very promising, three test next, I will be sooooo glad for winter break this year...and after that, only one more semester of college! WHOOP! Six months from now and I will officially (hopefully) be a college graduate, who'd have thought? I'm actually a little bummed about that...don't get me wrong, I am BEYOND excited for life after school, but I do really enjoy school...Plus the thought of actually having to be a grown up with a job and responsibilities is rather intimidating....

Well....Ive sat here for 5 minutes and I can't think of anything to talk about other than how COLD it is outside so its probably time I say goodnight...Hope you all had great days :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Its about time for a blog update!

I am a horrid blogger...I admit it...there have been times I've thought about updating my blog, but for varies reasons I just haven't...Mostly because my life is rather boring and I don't have much to say....Im resorting to blogging about the is WINTER. I hate it, its not that I hate winter, its really pretty, and I love Christmas, but its cold, wet, and sucky to drive in. It feels like its been snowing for AGES, rather than the one or two days its actually been and I am more than ready for spring, actually it would be nice if it were Christmas tomorrow and then spring directly after :).

On a more positive note, its Wednesday! Which means Institute, I love institute, thank you Nicole! :)....

Since its Wednesday, cold, snowing, and I had a test this morning, which sucks, Im going to try to throw some more positive thinking into this blog post....I only wish this were my idea, its not, its from another blog....but Im going to post some things I am thank ful for...
1. Winter coats, shoes, gloves, toques, etc.
2. Four wheel drive on ice
3. My new rubbermaid water bottle, it has the cutest blue/green lid!
4. My wonderful family who came to my aid yesterday, no questions asked
5. Institute! (already mentioned, but still, it makes my Wednesdays)
6. The person that I ramble to all day long....this one should actually be a bit higher on the list, if I were doing it in order of thankfulness, which Im not ;)
7. Blogs...I absolutely love reading other people's blogs...
8. Homemade soup! :) mmmm as well as homemade buns to go with the soup
9. Shortbread cookies, possibly my favorite

Thats it, not only am I out of ideas but Im running out of time, unfortunately I have macroeconomics today...which really means online shopping :)

10. Im thankful for ETSY! :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I dropped and cracked my blackberry screen :( BOOOO!! I am very disappointed and annoyed with myself...its just a small crack, in the corner, but its distracting and annoying...thankfully my phone still works properly though....but really, these things should be more durable!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just Rambling :)

I wish I would have the gumption to write more on my blog...truth is I just don't have anything interesting to say most of the time...Im back in school, college, Bus. Admin. majoring in accounting...I love it, I love school, everything about it and Im sad that Im done this year, I could go onto university but I suppose at some point Im going to have to get a job and start making my own money..April will be here before I know it and I'll be done, I'll be forced to start living like a grown up..gah...actually when I think about some of my friends, married and working and some having babies I feel like Im already really behind, but at the same time I KNOW that Im not ready for a baby, or marriage, heck I cant even manage to wash laundry half the time, a baby wouldn't fair well in my hands right now, or maybe it would help me grow up? Im not sure, it just feels like my life is going nowhere sometimes, and its extremely frustrating and makes me worry...and when I think I've finally got a start on where I want to be it never works out.

But then I do love my life, even if its severely lacking compared to some, I love school, I love my knitting and sewing, I love the people in my life...maybe thats what its all about, maybe I need to stop comparing my life, and where I think I should be, maybe I just need to live it, and trust that eventually I will get what I want, that everything will work out.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


My summer is officially over today....I can't believe it, it went by SO incredibly fast. Buuuuut, that means fall soon, actually with the temperatures it already feels like fall, I love fall :).....back to school tomorrow, last year at college, YAY! Then I suppose I need to start making some concrete life plans...obviously work, but you never know what could happen...its completely terrifying really, a little exciting but mostly is easy, straightforward, I *know* school....but oh well, things change, and I know this year, well really 8 months, is going to breeze by and come April I'll be writing a post about how fast school went by...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Dogs

So we normally only have one dog, Dory...she's great, well behaved, well mannered, LAZY, she is content to spend most of the day sleeping on the couch while watching TV...Max however is not. He's a bit neurotic....thank heavens come Friday night I can give this dog back to his owners, so far he's dug two holes in the back yard, he constantly wants to go outside, which means Dory and I have to go along, and then he just sits there, its frustrating to say the least.........BUT, he is incredibly cute, he's the black one in the picture, and as annoying as this dog is I do quite love him, and Dory too of course. And they really love each other for the most part.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Its WAAAAAY Past Time...

....that I updated my blog!...I promise I will get more frequent with this :).

Not much to update though, just sewing and quilting...Im rather crafty these days, I hope it lasts!

So far Im working on another quilt, Ive made curtains, which I ADORE, Im in love with the buttons and the bows on them, even though they were hard on my hands to sew in place, the pain was worth it...and a pillow, Im also in love with the pillow too :). Hopefully before the weekend I can finish up the quilt, I don't have much left to do, as well as another pillow or two...then I can plan the next project :) YAY

Oh, and I promise eventually I will blog about more then sewing ;)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So I'm making a quilt....'s quite the task to take on considering Im not a quilter, nor is anybody in my family....but it was something I wanted to do and I have the time so Im giving it a go...and surprisingly its turning out pretty darn good, I've learned what not to do next time (and what I should do)... yes, there will be a next time...turns out I rather enjoy picking out fabric, I've already bought some for the next quilt....but hey, it was on sale, how could I pass it up?, I even enjoy the ironing and cutting and sewing too.

All in all, this quilt is turning out good for a first attempt, Im almost done and looking forward to making another.