Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New macbook new post?

I think so! That and its been about 2 months since my last update..I won't even bother promising to update more since I clearly SUCK at it...I think my whole blog needs a facelift actually....but anyways, Id probably update more if my life was more exciting? At least thats what I tell myself...

2 months...and not a lot has happened, nothing worth going back over at least...thats a lie. I have learned a lot in two months, that stuff is worth going back over.

1. Sweat pants are a gift straight from the heavens. Especially those ones you swear nobody else can see you in (yes, you know you own some too). They're just so comfy and forgiving.

2. When you need them, your true friends are there no matter what....even if you're complaining about the same thing for the millionth time.

3. Doing the right thing often hurts. A lot.

4. Facebook can be downright depressing.

5. I *need* to work, I need to be continually learning or I lose my sanity; friends mentioned in #2 can attest to that.

6. I am incredibly good at helping people....and no, Im not being conceited here, I am actually good at it.

7. Good movies and good books can fix anything.

8. I LOVE the church, without the gospel I would be utterly lost (#2).

9. Sometimes things don't make sense, sometimes things don't go as planned...those are often the things you need to hold on to, to cherish, and to ENJOY.

10. Nothing lasts forever, don't stress about when it'll end, just enjoy it while you've got it.

I feel like there is  a lot more Ive learned but being on the blogging spot like this turns my mind to mush...until next time my beloved readers...hopefully sooner than two months from now...xoxo

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Betcha ya'll thought Id forgotten about my blog....well I didnt! Ive just been too busy for a proper update...

Not that I really have anything to update on now, well no, thats not true, a lot has happened in my life but nothing I want to comment on at the moment :) So I thought Id bore you guys a bit with some rambles....

Life is funny. Its just plain funny sometimes, and even when its not sometiems you just have to laugh because the other options really suck. I am laughing right now, I'll let you guess if Im truly amused or avoiding other emotions.

Honestly, for the most part I am happy. I am a firm beliver that things happen for a reason, the people come into your life with a purpose, whether its for a lifetime or a short while. Nothing happens by chance and in the end everything works out. I have witnessed too many miracles not to beileve that.

I dont even remember what the last thing I talked about in my blog was, did I mention I got baptised? Yup, I did! And it was the best decision I could have ever made. Although slightlly ironic, life since I got baptised has gotten much more complicated/difficult. Its like Heavenly Father was making everything else in my life smooth so I could conquor the challenges I faced in my getting baptised and now its all right back to how it was...not that Im complaining, without challenges people dont grow....anyways, I talked last Sunday in church, not a full blown talk, but I was asked to bear my testimony/share some  of my story, and I was terrified. But I am so glad I did it, all week I tried to think of something to say and nothing came to me and it wasnt until I was standing up there that I knew exactly what I wanted to say, and I know it didnt fit in well with the missionary theme Scott was aiming for but I had to share my appreciation and my love for my friends in my ward.....

And on a much lighter, more enjoyable note; I BOUGHT AN E-READER! And I LOVE it. I am soooo in love with my Kobo.

This is probably pleanty long for tonight, and as usual, I promise to try to blog more!

Happy Halloween!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

An Update?...and a ramble,,,

So, I failed. I didn't keep up with my blog as promised. I will get better though!

So whats new in my life? Not a lot, working, and I love my job! I love my co-works and my boss and the environment...I lucked out big time.

On another note, I CANNOT believe summer is almost over! I don't know where the time has gone. And while this summer didn't go exactly how I wanted its much better. Im a firm believer that things happen for a reason, people come into your lives as you need them, and some don't stay forever. And honestly? Thats ok. Because with each person there is something to learn, and one day there will be a person who IS going to stick around forever, and I know that.

So while this summer's events didnt go exactly as planned, I am ok, actually I am better than ok. I love my life, I love every aspect of it and couldn't ask for more at this point. I am eagerly awaiting fall, its my favorite season, and for the challenges and experiences it will bring with.

Since we all know there isnt much of a hope for me updating my blog again before September; GOODBYE SUMMER, and HELLO FALL!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Time for an update?

Yeah. I think so.

So whats new with me? Well, let me tell you, TONS.
1. I have a fantastic job, that I absolutely love (most days).
2. I start working with my very own clients at said job.
3. I bought a really awesome car.
4. Thanks to previously mentioned fantastic job the car is all MINE.

Over the past couple of months I have really learned that patience is a vitrue. I have learned that no matter how badly you think you want/need something the Lord truly knows what you need and what is right for you, and if you trust you will get it.

I truly love where I am at in life, there is nothing I would change, things are falling into place and I am incredibly lucky.

I have about a million more ideas for updates so be prepared for a few blog entries from me in the next little while ;)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Looking back, and looking forward

First, let me begin by saying sorry for not posting in ages! I've just been unmotivated to blog lately, possibly because nothing blog worthy is going on in my life right now...

But, for the last little while Ive really been thinking about my life and what I want from it. And thinking that 10 years from now will I be happy with the decisions Ive made? And I can honestly say, although my life isn't necessarily where I thought it would be right now, that I have absolutely NO regrets. While I do wish certain things were different I know that its all part of a greater plan, a plan that Im not privy to seeing just yet, and I do trust that it will all work out the way its supposed to be. But that doesn't mean I don't wonder if Im currently making the right choices. If Im helping my life along the path I want it to go.

I think all through school, up until college, I had this idea that by the time I was 21 I'd have a job, possibly a husband/family, all of it. Which is silly, but considering the amount of people in my graduating class that ARE indeed married maybe its not so silly? Side note; I feel extremely behind compared to them. But ya know, I thought by 21 Id have it all together and know what I want and where my life is going and all that grand stuff. But my 21st birthday is fast approaching, summer will be over before I know it and I don't have any of that worked out yet. Which was/is slightly unnerving to me. I am a planner. And the fact that none of these plans I had are actually working out is terrifying. I am the type of person to plan weeks, if not months, in advance, and if something unexpected or last minute came up I would avoid it if at all possible. Which Im starting to realize is crazy. Which is maybe part of my greater plan, the plan I don't really know the details of. Because now that my initial plan isn't working out, Im learning that maybe I don't need one at all.

I am learning to be spontaneous. I think its driving my family, especially my mother, nuts. But Im loving it. I used to be a stickler for time, and not that Im late now, but Im not early for things really. Which most of you who are reading are probably thinking umm ok? BUT I use to get incredibly anxious if I wasnt early, really early, for anything. So the fact that I can be on time, is huge for me. Im learning to really love each day, that if whatever I had planned doesn't work out its ok, its not a big deal. And I am learning that sometimes, the things you don't plan for are the most rewarding. Im learning that I am SO much more capable than I thought I was, heck, I donated blood a few weeks ago, ME, me who is TERRIFIED of needles, who the last time I had blood drawn had to have my dad with me because I was so scared, I donated blood. And yes, it was scary, BUT it was awesome. Not only because I saved up to three lives ;) but because I challenged myself and I did it. And Im doing it again in August, (if anybody wants to join me Id love that, its not as bad as youre thinking!)

I feel like Im rambling haha....even though my life right now isn't what I had planned, and it took me a long time to accept that my plans failed, I love my life. I love every bit of it, I love ENJOYING it. And as for the future, I don't have plans. I have goals of course, but no plans. Well thats a lie, I have a couple "plans"

1. ENJOY life, every moment of it because it is truly precious and you never know how long you will get to enjoy it for.
2. NO regrets, absolutely none.

Those are my plans, my only plans, because I know that somebody else has a plan especially for me, and if Im willing to listen and follow, I will have exactly what Im meant to have, when Im meant to have it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Best....The Worst....Maybe Neither?

You have no idea how much I hope this is true. Not that there is anything COMPLETELY wrong with my life right now, it just doesnt seem like anything is going the way that I had planned/thought/wanted.

It seems like as we grow up there are periods in our lives that are classed as "the best years". High school generally is the first "best year" period, and in high school I was fairly devestated because they were not the best years, not even all that great. BUT know that I have left the narrow minded, hormone filled halls I have realized that the people who claim high school to be "the best" years of their lives typically peaked in high school, and its true, their lives will never be better that "the good old days". I truly hope theyre happy with that, but I want more.

College/University is next...I know for certain that my college experience was HUGELY better than my high school experience I dearly hope it wasn't "the best" years of my life, because it wasn't all that grand. And maybe for me it wasn't all that grand because it was two years speant learning. And not just learning the curiculum, learning about life and myself.

And now? Well I dont think where Im at now fits into "the best" years category. As a friend of mine said, Im in transition. And as I told him, Im not overly fond of it.

Im still waiting for "the best" years. Maybe they will come when Im married, maybe when I have children, maybe when I have a career? Or maybe they simply don't exist. Maybe life is just a handfull or two of experiences throughout all your years, some fantastic, others not so fantastic, each of them teaching you something (hopefully) but none of them individually "the best" years, but collectively, if you add all the years and experiences you are blessed to have, the good and the bad, maybe they equal THE BEST years?

Monday, May 23, 2011

A Change

Ever feel like you just need a change? 

I do, far too often then I probably should. And when I feel like I need a change I usually cut my hair or change up the layout of my room....this time I couldnt do either. I've aquired too much furniture and decorative items to make it fit in my room in any way other than what it currently is and I do NOT want to cut my hair (no matter how tempted I am). So I settled for coloring it. Black. I actually quite love it, and I know in a couple of days when its faded a tad I will love it even more. HOWEVER, it did not satisfy my feelings of needing a change.

I feel like my life has changed drastically in the last few weeks, wihch I suppose it has, college has ended, I graduated (YAY) and people who I never thought would always be there for me aren't. But surprisngly Im ok with it, most of the time. People come and go in our lives, some for a reason we know instantly, some for a reason we don't learn until much later, but each memorable in their own way and for their own reason. And I am finding that as people leave our lives in one way or the other, or their role in our lives change, new people come into the fold. And that my readers, is AWESOME

Side Note: The fact that I tihnk meeting new people is awesome shows just how much I have changed in the past few months.

But back to my feelings of needing a change...I just don't know what to do to satisfy it. Ive tried my usual buying a few new outfits, shoes, coloring my hair, I even went as far as to reorganize my scrapbooking/sewing/computer/whatever I dont have space for in my actual bedroom space and it is just not working for me. So tomorrow Im plannign a little at home "spa" day, which unfortunately has to include laundry, but thats ok...Im planning on a pedicure, something funky for nail polish, a facial scrub, actually shaving my legs ;), and just general me time. Well me time including my grandma who is visiting for the week, but she loves to nap so I figure I'll be on my own a lot. I hope this cures my need for a change, because if not Im worried I will resort to cutting my hair off....

Also, we bought our flowers this weekend! YAY, they're currently taking up all available space in our garage (DARN RAIN) but once they're all planted and looking pretty I'll share pictures :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011


I am in love with Zumba!
Seriously, if you didnt go Tuesday you should definitely come tonight :)

Other than that there isn't much to say, which is why there hasn't been a blog post in AGES.....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Indulge in the little things...

That is my advice for everybody. Indulge in the little things, take a day completely to yourself, paint your nails, lounge in bed in your favorite sweats, watching your favorite TV series on DVD, get dressed up, splurge on ridiculously over priced things, ENJOY LIFE.

Take time to wander, to explore, you never know what cute things you'll find along the way.
Buy that item you REALLY want but know your budget would prefer you not to buy.
Enjoy the sunshine, enjoy people, enjoy meeting strangers.
Buy yourself your favorite flowers.
Buy something pretty simply because its pretty.
Read your favorite books and don't feel guilty because you have other things you need to do.

Life is short, enjoy the little things, spoil yourself, spoil others. Enjoy everything!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


I LOVE to read, actually love is probably an understatement, I spend far too much money and time on books, I devour them. And now that school is over Im going through them faster than ever and need some suggestions!

I will read anything once so don't worry about genres, although I do like the "young adult fiction" mostly because its a quick and easy read :).

So, leave me your favorites and books I must read! And in return, if you need a suggestion Im POSITIVE I've read a good book lately to suggest to you ;)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter to my lovely readers :)

I cannot believe how quickly this weekend went by, it was full of candy, lovely weather, fantastic people and just all around goodness, apart from my sunburn (trust me to get a sunburn the first truly nice weekend of the year).

This post is probably going to be all over the place and completely full of things nobody really cares about so dont worry, you wont hurt my feelings if you stop reading ;).

Its hard to believe that Im finished school, perhaps this is because I am yet to get a job! Actually Im not too worried about the job front yet, I know that the perfect (and by perfect I mean perfect for now, not forever) job will eventually turn up.....Maybe if it were nicer out it would be easier to believe, I know this weekends weather was fantastic, but Im not expecting it to last, Im totally expecting snow still.....BUT speaking of weather, I've noticed that stores have started to set up their greenery areas!! YAY, so EXCITED! I LOVE flowers, I love to garden :)

Anywho, Im out of things to ramble about :)
Hope everybody had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed the weather :).


just trying out my new app!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Facelift - Part 2

I've made some much needed improvements on my blog! (thank you Nicole for the webistes :)...Im lovin' the new look, although its not quite complete yet, Im not sure what else to add but I feel like Im missing something!
Anywho, let me know what you think


Since I am finished with school (YAY), and currently dont have a job (I need one though, both for money and simply having SOMETHING to do) I have a lot of time on my hands! Its been one morning and Im already pretty bored and my room is as organized as it can next thing on the list is a facelift for my blog! Im not very good at this techy blogger stuff, lol so it shall be interesting......if you have any cute ideas or tips let me know!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

In the spirit of PROCRASTINATION

Its only been what, 5/6 months since my last blog post? ok, maybe not THAT long, actually I have no idea, all I know is I keep promising people I will update and I never do...but I will tonight :) Mainly because I have two finals that I should be studying for, one tomorrow morning at 7:45, and the other Tuesday...yeah, I TOTALLY have time for a blog post, I also had time to iron two huge baskets of laundry, watch a movie and spend the last 45 minutes reading other peoples blogs and wishing I were as cool as them....

I am just out of steam, I have ZERO motivation to study, its so bad Ive even resorted to ironing the last two weeks worth of laundry....I cannot wait for the semester to be over, then I'll be a college graduate, which is slightly terrifying...ok, its a lot terrifying. I have no idea what to do with my life, obvoiusly I need a job, and I know what I want and where I want to be in a few years and all that jazz but I have NO idea what to do to get there....however I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and when its meant to happen so Im not too stressed about that...I don't expect things to fall into my lap but if I put forth the effort things will work out, they always do.....

Oh, and I vow that ones Im done school (TWO DAYS!) I will be much better with my blog, even if its only posting a picture or something, I will be a better blogger :)

I suppose I should study though, its already 7pm and I basically have an entire semester of managerial accounting to learn...or maybe I'll have a shower first :) haha, wish my luck on my test tomorrow, I quite desperately need it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I am horrible

I am a horrible blogger.....Im on here every day, litterally EVERY day reading blogs, but I fail to update my own, mostly because my life is incredibly dull. Seriously since my last post in DECEMBER can be summed up into one sentence; Things are good, school is almost over, nothing new is going on. Done, blog updated...rather pathetic eh?

So....if you have any suggestions for blog posts or any of those fun challenges Im always reading send them my way and I'll try to update more frequently! :)